Terms and conditions for hire of gathering hall
These terms and conditions for hiring the gathering hall at An Crùbh, Duisdale Beag, Sleat, Isle of Skye IV43 8QU (the hall) are issued by Camuscross & Duisdale Initiative (CDI) as the owners of An Crùbh.
- CDI reserve the right to refuse or cancel any request and cannot be held liable for any loss arising from any cancellation. In the event that a booking or part of a booking has to be cancelled a minimum of 24 hours’ notice must be given to the booking secretary.
- Hirers must be at least 21 years old.
- There is a NO SMOKING Policy throughout the whole building.
- The maximum capacity for the hall is [120 seated] and the Hirer agrees to ensure this number is not exceeded
- The hire charge in force on the date of booking is £10 per hour and will be billed at the end of the booking.
- Hirers are responsible for setting out and clearing away furniture and equipment as arranged with the CDI. The hall, including the community kitchen area if used, is to be cleaned and tidied and returned to the condition in which it was found. No decorations etc that leave a permanent mark are to be attached to the walls of the hall under any circumstances. Any extra cleaning deemed necessary by the CDI after an event, will incur extra charges.
- Hirers are responsible for the safety and security of the hall and must ensure all windows and doors are shut and locked, and electrical equipment is switched off upon departure including lights other than sensor lights. Hirers are responsible for any damage or loss caused to the Hall during their period of hire. All equipment used in the hall must be in a sound condition and must comply with current safety regulations. Any electrical equipment brought into the hall by the Hirer must have a valid PAT test sticker.
- All parties using the hall do so at their own risk. CDI will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or injury sustained by hirers and their guests/attendees. Hirers are responsible for carrying out their own risk assessment for their activity and taking appropriate measures. Unless otherwise agreed, the hall’s insurance does not cover any of the Hirer’s equipment or possessions, so Hirers may wish to arrange their own insurance separately.
- It is the responsibility of the Hirer to arrange and show on request valid Public Liability Insurance for profitable or commercial activities at public events, such as (but not limited to) public sales or services.
- It is the responsibility of the Hirer to familiarise themselves with the Fire Regulations, emergency equipment, the emergency evacuation procedure, and applicable Health and Safety requirements as displayed within the hall.
- Any additional licences or permits required for the Hirer’s event (e.g. for the sale of alcohol, the use of licensed media, hazardous activities etc.) and adherence to their conditions are the SOLE responsibility of the Hirer.
- If the Hirer intends to server alcohol at the event it will be required to obtain an Occasional Licence and that the Hirer will be responsible for meeting the requirements of that licence.
- Hirers may not sub-let the hall or any part of it
- The right of entry at any time to any event is reserved to the agents of the CDI.
- Any dispute will be resolved by the CDI whose decision will be final.
- CDI reserve the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time and require Hirers to comply with the amendments once issued in writing.
Please respect this community facility and remember to leave the building in the clean and tidy condition in which you found it.
When making your booking please allow time within your hire period for any setting up and clearing away that may be required – the times that you book are the times that the hall will be available for you. Note there may be someone coming into the hall immediately after your allotted time, so please be prompt in clearing away.