If you would like to see a picture that you’ve taken of our lovely corner in Skye please get in touch and we’ll show it here. Click on an image to see a large photograph.
View from Ard Ghunel
View from Ard Ghunel across Camuscross Bay and down the Sound of Sleat, with Ardnamurchan peninsula in the distance
Camuscross Tug-of-War Team
Winners of the Woodward Cup on 23rd August 2008. Graeme MacKenzie,Malcolm Parsons,Joel Franklyn,Calum MacDonald,John MacDonald,David Campbell and Gordon Brown.
Camuscross Women’s Tug-of-War Team
Gwen Culbertson,Mary Logan,Dede MacGillivray,Sharon Campbell,Aileen Logan,Morag MacFadyan,and Helen MacKinnon
Camuscross Community Initiative
Signing the relevant articles with Neil MacGillivray as witness at his house on Friday 28th November 2008.
Great Spotted Woodpecker
A photo taken in Donald and Ellen MacDonald’s garden at Ardmhor, Camuscross.
Crofters’ Olympics 2009
Camuscross Men’s Team, Winners of the Woodward Cup for the second year running.
Reservoir Visit
L to R Yvonne Davidson, Colin Gray, both of the Community Assets team, Graeme MacKenzie, Nicola Thomson, Donnie MacKinnon, directors, after one of many visits to the reservoir over the past months

CDI Directors
Camuscross & Duisdale Initiative is made up of people from the area and all walks of life.

Public Documents
Read our latest minutes, historical documents and other useful information.

Learn about the projects and initiatives that we are managing for the community.

Our community is situated in the Sleat peninsula, in the South of the Isle of Skye.
Latest from the News
Brand new An Lianag
A new edition of An Lianag, expertly organised and beautifully put together by Flòraidh and Nicola, is now available on this site ( Newsletters ). All local houses have had a printed copy delivered to their door.
Crowdfunder success
We are thrilled to find that our Aviva Community Fund Crowdfunder has been successful. Our initial ask was for £20,000 so we could meet our share of the costs of installing solar panels on the community hub, and make our woodchip boiler more efficient. Once we...
Starting the conversation
Burgers and beers were handed out at a CDI event on 26th August, where the community got together to review progress of CDI, and to start the conversation towards preparing a new Township Plan. About 75 people were there, excluding the babies and very young children....